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The Order of Service sheet for Sunday 8th September 2024

The service was led by a member of the worship team.


Call to worship  based on Psalm 146 

Hymn CH4: 225    Summer suns are glowing 


Prayer of adoration and confession.

Lord’s Prayer


Short  Reflection What criteria do we use to value anything ?


Hymn  CH4: 143    Who put the colours in the rainbow?   


Scripture Reading: New Testament: Mark 7: 24 – 37

              James 2:1- 17




Hymn CH4:   710    I have a dream a man once said .


Dedication of Offering & Prayers Intercession


Hymn CH4: 562    Through the love of God, our Saviour  

Benediction + three fold Amen

 Sunday 1st September 2024

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