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The Order of Service sheet for Sunday 1st September 2024

The service was led by Alan Grant

15th after Pentecost


Call to worship 

Hymn CH4:    210     Awake, my soul 


Prayer of adoration and confession.

Lord’s Prayer


Family Talk      


Scripture Reading:    New Testament: Gospel    Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23

                                   New Testament: Epistle     James 1: 17-27    


Hymn CH4: 485      Dear Lord and Father of Mankind   




Hymn  CH4: 252     As a fire is meant for burning (Tune: Lewis Folk Melody – CH4 510)


Dedication of Offering & Prayers Intercession


Hymn CH4: 529      Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go (Tune: Duke Street)

Benediction + three fold Amen

 Sunday 25th August 2024

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