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On Sunday 2nd February 2025 the service was conducted by The Moderator of the

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Rev Dr Shaw J Paterson BSc BD MSc

The last visit of a Moderator was in 1920 by Rt Rev Professor William Paterson Paterson

The Order of Service and a link to a recording of his sermon can be found here.

During the service Rt Rev Dr Paterson presented long service certificates to three elders.

L-R, Mrs Lily Borthwick - 40 years as church Officer and 31 years as elder

The Moderator

Mr Denham Macdougal - 32 years as elder

Mrs Liz Hiddleston - 32 years as elder

Other pictures from the event (all taken by Mr Guy Whitefield)

The congregation after the service.

Rt Rev Paterson and Mr Jim Watt (Presbytery Elder)

who were Co-moderators of the new Presbytery of

Forth Valley and Clydesdale from February 2022 - September 2023

Mrs Christine Paterson, Dr Rosmairi Galloway (Session Clerk), Rt Rev Paterson,

Rev Jessie Ini Fubara-manuel PhD (who has provided frequent Pulpit Supply), Mr Jim Watt

During the service Rt Rev Paterson presented the congregation with a memento

of his visit in the form of a tile bearing the emblem of The Moderator of the General Assembly

along with pouch in The Church of Scotland tartan.