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The Order of Service sheet for Sunday 31st March 2024

Easter Sunday

The service was led by Mr Alan Grant

Call to worship  EASTER ACCLAMATION   “Christ is Risen”     “He is Risen indeed, Alleluia.”

Hymn CH4: 410   Jesus Christ is Risen Today       


Prayer of adoration and confession.

Lord’s Prayer


Family Talk


Scripture Reading:  Old Testament  Isaiah 25: 6-9

                                 New Testament   John 20: 1-18 


Hymn CH4:  424   Blest be the everlasting God




Hymn  CH4: 416    Christ is alive! Let Christians sing


Dedication of Offering & Prayers Intercession


Hymn CH4: 419   Thine be the Glory      

Benediction + three fold Amen

 Sunday 24th March 2024

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