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The Order of Service sheet for Sunday 21st July 2024

Joint Tinto Parishes service

The service was led by Mr Robert Allan


Call to worship

Hymn CH4: 63      All people that on earth do dwell. 


Prayer of adoration and confession.

Lord’s Prayer


Hymn 237    Look forward in faith


Scripture Reading:   Old Testament:  2 Samuel 7. 1-14

New Testament:   Ephesians 2. 11 – 22;   Mark 6. 53 – 56 


 Hymn CH4 198    Let us build a house  




Hymn  CH4:624    In Christ there is no east or west        


Dedication of Offering & Prayers Intercession


Hymn CH4: 553    Just as I am      

Benediction + three fold Amen

 Sunday 30th June 2024

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