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The Order of Service sheet for Sunday 11th August 2024

The service was led by a member of the worship team.


Call to worship  From Hymn 746 Verses 1+2

Hymn CH4: 158   God Moves in a mysterious way (Tune Belmont)


Prayer of adoration and confession.

Lord’s Prayer


Hymn CH4: 517   Fight the Good Fight   


Short  Reflection


Hymn  CH4: 556   I need thee every Hour  


Scripture Reading: New Testament: (Epistle) Ephesians 4;14-19 and 25-32   




Hymn CH4:   392  When I survey the Wondrous cross.


Dedication of Offering & Prayers Intercession


Hymn CH4: 512   To God be the Glory  

Benediction + three fold Amen

 Sunday 4th August 2024

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